What the Tech vlog #3 – Looming on your screen

How much time would you save if you could just record a quick video to show someone an issue you’re having on your computer instead of trying to describe it to them, or maybe a video tutorial to demonstrate something that your team can refer back to in the future?

Check out Loom video recorder, a really simple easy to use screen recorder that can make life a little bit easier.

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Read the transcript below:


Welcome to our Ignite Tech Vlogs where we go and experiment with new services, apps, and technology and you can learn from our experiences.

So this week, I’m actually going to be talking about Loom Video Recorder.

Now recently I’ve had a few clients who wanted to actually ask me some questions or know how to do something outside of the session that we’ve had and in the past I would have probably taken a written tutorial or maybe added some screenshots and some highlights to help them actually see what they need to do.

But I found this is actually quite time-consuming and actually people don’t always follow it so it’s not always that helpful. Recently my nutritionist actually sent me a video recording in response to me
and it was just simply a recording of his screen with him talking over it. Now, this isn’t really a new concept at all but what I really loved about the video he sent was that it seemed really simple, really easy to use and I just noticed that it was something I hadn’t heard of before, Loom.

One of my clients actually asked for a video of how to use PhotoBox
and how to upload pictures to it. So I thought it’s a good opportunity to actually record my screen and me talking so that she can just see what I was doing instead of having some sort of written guide that might be harder to follow.

I just installed the really simple to use Chrome extension, click start recording and kind of talked her through the process. Very easy to then click stop and the videos automatically uploaded to Loom
to my Loom account actually, which then I can rename it. I could categorise it into a folder and then I can easily show it to a whoever I needed to.

I just found it so easy to use, I’ve used it a few times since then
and I definitely recommend checking it out, but the real question I wanted you to consider was:

What could you be doing in a much easier, simpler, and quicker way?

Hope you enjoyed the video today and look forward to the next one.


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